Healthy Living

Healthy Living

Heart Healthy Tips

5 tips to help prevent heart disease February is American Heart Month, and the Y is in the business of preventing the leading cause of death – heart disease.  Protect...

Healthy Living

Nutrition or Exercise

We all know that nutrition and exercise are important for our well-being and help us lose weight, but should you focus on one more than the other this New Year?...

Healthy Living

New Year’s Healthy Living Tips

What will you do this year to be healthier? You may be making bold resolutions on January 1 to eat right and exercise. Here, at the Y of Central Florida,...

Healthy Living

3 Levels, One Commitment

Helping you achieve your health and wellness goals   At the Y of Central Florida, we are committed to improving the health and well-being of our residents. This commitment goes...

Healthy Living

Changing the Obesity Statistics

The statistics tell us that only 3% of Americans enjoy exercise enough to make it a consistent part of their everyday lives. So we’ve decided to focus on the rest...

Healthy Living

November Member-thon

November is a great month to get into the exercise habit. Come learn about our new wellness program that helps you stick with an exercise program, state-of-the-art equipment to support...

Healthy Living

Be Healthy at Work

In 1960, one out of two jobs required moderate physical activity; today only one in five do. The other 80% of the American workforce remains sedentary all day. The shift...

Healthy Living


Start Small. Aim High. 97% of Americans struggle to complete regular exercise each week, even though we know how important it is for our health and well-being. Ask yourself the...

Healthy Living


AIM FOR BETTER HEALTH. SIGN UP TODAY. Get Moving is about improving the health and well-being of our communities. By taking 10,000 steps a day or enrolling in 30-Day personalized...

Healthy Living

Our 2010 Successes

We came together to celebrate our milestones and accomplishments in the areas of youth development, healthy living and social responsibility at our Annual Meeting.  Last year, we opened our doors...