Keep Kids Active, Reduce Family Stress

At a time when Central Florida families face mounting challenges and stress posed by a tumultuous economy, the Y is continuing to be a beacon of hope that provides options for parents and kids to live happier and healthier lives. Managing stress through activities has never been more necessary, especially for our kids. The American Psychological Association reports that 46 percent of Americans feel significant worry when it comes to providing for their families’ basic needs, and anxieties like these take a hefty toll on both parents’ and kids’ well-being. Studies show that one of the best ways to reduce stress is through physical activity. Being active can boost your feel good endorphins and distract you from daily worries. The Y is determined to be the place where families stay active and fight the daily stresses of life. HEALTHY KIDS DAY Last week, on Healthy Kids Day we opened our doors to everyone and celebrated healthy living all over Central Florida with free activities. We encouraged thousands of parents and kids to TAKE ON SUMMER by committing to keeping kids brains and bodies active during these crucial summer months. Parents were given tips and tools, kids participated in team relays and volunteers taught families new and unique ways to stay active. SWIM, SPORTS & PLAY 74 percent of parents opt to spend family time with their kids sitting in front of the TV. We want to flatten this statistic with our youth sports program. The Y is the starting point for many youth to learn about becoming and staying active, and developing healthy habits they’ll carry with them throughout their lives. Participating in sports at the Y is about building the whole child, from the inside out. A few reasons for kids to join one of our youth programs are:
  • Staying active which leads to a healthier life
  • Gaining confidence that comes from learning something new
  • Building positive relationships
  • Instilling values like good sportsmanship and teamwork
TAKE HOME TIPS We build lasting relationships in our community, so we can see lifelong change. We equip families with new strategies and resources that will lead to a healthier and a less stressful life. Among the best changes you can begin making at home together are:
  • Involve the whole family in meal planning, preparation and clean-up
  • Eat more meals together as a family
  • Provide each child with one-on-one time every day
  • Designate one night a week for walks, bowling, bike rides, roller skating or the park
  • Serve fruits and vegetables at most meals; include a whole-grain or protein option with every snack
If you and your family are feeling stressed, know that you are not alone. Visit one of our 24 locations and start living a healthier life.

How does your family handle stress?