As Central Florida continues to deal with the aftermath of the Orlando shootings, the Y is committed to helping our community heal and move forward.
Many of our Y staff and members have personal connections to the victims. Others, including first responders, medical personnel, and victims’ families, will be turning to the Y to help them overcome stress, grief, and trauma.
We’re ready with counselors, pastors, and others who can provide support to those who need it. Likewise, Y staff is ready to simply listen, share a cup of coffee, or offer an encouraging word.
As a Christian-based organization, our local Ys also have Mission Committees comprised of volunteers who work together to unite our communities in faith, prayer, and understanding. Many other meaningful volunteer opportunities are available. There may be no better time to meet your neighbors, give back, and get involved.
Despite great sorrow, times like this bring us closer together. They also highlight the overwhelming goodness that exists in our community – and what can be achieved when people of passion and purpose work together for the common good. At the Y, it’s what we do every day. If you’d like to speak to a counselor, pastor, or Y staff member, inquire at your local YMCA membership desk. To volunteer and get involved, click here.