Youth Development
Y’s New Summer Camp Program Boosts Kids’ ValuesReading and Wellness Time by 20 Million Minutes
Eighteen months ago, the Y of Central Florida set out to revamp our summer camp program and make it even more effective in addressing the challenges facing today’s kids and families. In doing so, we talked to parents, teachers and educational leaders whose insight helped shape our new curriculum – one based on values, reading, wellness and strengthening families.
When we launched the program in June, we knew we had a blueprint for success. But what we didn’t realize was just how fast and measurable our impact would be:
In addition to enrolling more than 3,500 kids per day – a significant increase over last year ─ we’ve also far exceeded our goals by providing kids with an astounding 20 million minutes of reading time, values instruction and physical activity.
It’s an incredible number, but what it really adds up to is that students are progressing ─ not regressing ─ this summer. That’s especially important for at-risk kids, including those enrolled in an innovative summer reading pilot we’re offering in partnership with BELL. Based on past results, we’re confident that these kids will advance their learning by up to six months.
That’s three-quarters of a school year in just six weeks! Just imagine if we could expand this success across Central Florida and our nation. At the Y, we’re already taking action to make it happen. And with the future of our children and community depending on it, we hope you’ll join us.