Youth Development
The Y’s Teen Achievers and Middle School Achievers groups recently completed their spring college bus tours, with nearly 150 kids participating. It was the first year for the middle-school group, which enjoyed a one-day visit to UCF, Valencia Community College and Rollins College.
Over the course of their four-day excursion, the high-school Achievers toured Alabama A&M University, Tuskegee University, Fisk, Meharry Medical College and other leading Southeastern universities. Many also saw snow for the first time while traveling through the Smokey Mountains.
Based on the success of Teen Achievers, which helps at-risk students prepare for college and careers, the new Middle School Achievers program provides the early mentoring and academic support younger students need to get ahead of college and career planning. With research showing that many children make decisions about their futures as early as age 9, the program helps kids explore career goals, as well as the college, technical or vocational training they’ll need to succeed. For more information about the Y Achievers program, click here.