- WHAT: 10th Anniversary of Safe Start
- WHEN: April 19, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm
- WHERE: YMCA Aquatic Center 8422 International Drive Orlando, FL 32819
- RSVP: Debbie Korba at 407-895-4296 or [email protected]

Youth Development
Safe Start Celebrates 10 Years & 10,000 Children
More than 10,000 children – some as young as six months old – have learned life-saving techniques in the water over the past 10 years as part of Safe Start, the innovative water safety program launched by the YMCA of Central Florida with support from the Dr. Phillips Charities in 2002.
We invite you to celebrate the lives that have been changed. Join us at the 10th Anniversary of Safe Start as the Y recognizes the success of this vital program to kick off Central Florida’s pool season at the Aquatic Center YMCA on April 19. We need you there, not only to celebrate, but to make people aware that water safety is crucial to living a healthy Central Floridian lifestyle.