We invite you to meet Dominique Wilkins, an NBA Hall of Fame member, former Atlanta Hawks star and Dr. P. Phillips Y member, who will share his journey of living with Type 2 Diabetes with members of the community on Tuesday, June 30, 2015, at 6:30 p.m. at the Dr. P. Phillips YMCA.

In his presentation, Dominique will highlight three key components of a successful diabetes management plan: a balanced diet, regular exercise, and proper medication, as needed. To develop this healthy lifestyle, Dominique worked with a team comprised of physicians, a diabetes educator, a nutritionist, and a fitness expert, who together offered him guidance on daily diabetes management.
"Diabetes is a complex disease, and it takes a team to get the best results. When I was diagnosed with the disease, I formed my own 'Diabetes Dream Team,'" Wilkins said. "They've taught me that small, simple changes can make a big difference, and I am excited to partner with Novo Nordisk to help others think differently about managing their diabetes."
DIABETES ACADEMY | June 30, 2015 at 5:30 p.m. | Dr. P. Phillips YMCA
Prior to the Dominique Wilkins presentation and autograph session, experts from Novo Nordisk, a leading diabetes healthcare provider and educator, will provide convenient tips for eating healthy and staying active. Demonstrations on insulin and non-insulin injection devices and medication will also be available.