Youth Development
Creating a Safe Place for Kids and Families
Evans Hubbard is our Champion of Youth. Each year, he supports a wide range of charitable programs and organizations like the YMCA dedicated to education, youth, community service, health and the arts. He has consistently supported the YMCA in our efforts to create a safe place for kids and families in undeserved communities at our Tangelo Park YCMA where his support provides kids a chance to build life skills in youth basketball clinics. Evans, through the A. Friend's Foundation, provided significant gifts towards the Roper Y, South Orlando Y and the Dr. Phillips Y, where the youth gymnasium is named after the Hubbard Family.
He played a vital role in the development of the Safe Start program that has taught over 10,000 kids life-saving skills. He has provided youth with opportunities to grow and become leaders through our Teen Achievers Program. His generosity and vision for our community aligns greatly with the YMCA and its cause of strengthening communities. We are thankful to people like Evans Hubbard who are constantly working to strengthen the communities we serve.