Social Responsibility
Our Annual Support Campaign: “Y” It Matters
As part of the Y’s commitment to social responsibility, more than 35,000 people − or one-third of our members − receive some sort of financial assistance. And with Central Florida’s poverty rate rising, the need for Y quality programs and services continues to grow.
With an estimated 25% of Central Floridians now living in poverty, many parents are working several jobs just to survive. In addition to the enormous financial burden, they are also dealing with daily stress of keeping their kids safe from negative influences while they are working.
All of this highlights why access to Y-quality after-school care, summer learning programs, family strengthening resources, and health and wellness services are so important.
“In today’s world, there’s an even greater need for families to have a safe, positive place to be together,” said Kimberly Strong, YMCA Senior Vice President of Philanthropy, Government and Community Affairs. “The Y's annual campaign is about keeping the Y’s great work going, especially for families who are facing challenges. For many of them, the Y is their best, possible path to a happier, healthier life."
In addition to providing much-needed access to Y programs and services, donated dollars also help keep the doors open at 11 Outreach Ys, including those serving South Orlando, Tangelo Park, Pine Hills and other financially challenged communities.
So please do your part today to ensure that all residents – regardless of income – have access to the Y’s life-changing programs and services. To make an immediate difference, click here to give.