Yvonne’s Story

Yvonne BootsYvonne Boots’ story is an inspiring one. She had a challenging pregnancy with insulin-dependent diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis, which fatigued her and made getting back in a shape even more difficult than she imagined. Determined to change the way she felt and to get re-involved with her local Y (The Oviedo YMCA), Yvonne approached the then brand new center to take up teaching classes, something she had previously done and enjoyed. She credits the genuine support and and encouragement from the staff and members to be a cornerstone in her success to getting back into shape and to discovering a life of wellness for herself and others.

She started teaching beginner step and low-impact classes, which was a great way for her to get back into the rhythm of exercise and to encourage others who were just starting out as well. She then began teaching muscle toning, intervals, water aerobics and Latin cardio and felt her energy return in a big way.

She also began to shed the baby weight and feel like her old self again. Today, Yvonne is teaching seven Zumba classes a week and is the best shape of her life―even better shape than she was in her 20s. Best of all, she feels more balanced about her life than she ever has before.