Youth Development
When it comes to kids, there’s school time, there’s family time and then there’s Y time – those “out-of-school” hours when parents are working and kids need a safe, nurturing place to learn, grow and thrive.
That’s especially true over summer vacation, which is why our 22 Family Centers are gearing up to offer a variety of great “Y Time” programs and adventures for kids of all ages.
Here in Florida kids are never far from a swimming pool, lake or beach, which is why teaching children how to be safe and have fun in and around the water has always been a top priority for the Y.
In fact, summer is a great time to sign up for swim lessons, parent-child classes or the Ys’ multi-level Progressive Swim Program that helps children progress from “Polliwogs” to “Porpoises” while developing skills, confidence and a lifelong love of swimming.
For babies and younger children, we’re also offering Safe Start, the Y’s one-of-a-kind infant swim survival program that teaches the rollback-to-float” and “swim-float-swim” techniques that have provided safety and peace of mind for generations of kids and parents. For adolescents and teens, summer swim teams are also forming, which provide a great way to enjoy friendly competition and aim for higher goals.
Summer Camp
To help kids stay active, fit and learning over the summer, the Y also offers a variety of daytime and residential camps that focus on values, reading, wellness and alleviating family stress.
From animal adventures, arts and dance to sports, robots and super heroes, our camps include special-interest programs designed to engage and delight all elementary and middle school students. In addition, the Y’s fully screened, well-trained counselors are great role models who help instill the values, love of reading, physical fitness and healthy lifestyles all families want for their children.
Speaking of families, parents are always invited to our Fun Friday Family events, which give campers a chance to share the activities, discoveries and adventures they enjoyed during the week.
So don’t delay. Our summer programs are already filling up. For more information about summer camps, click here. To learn about swimming lessons at a Y near you, click here. For information about any Y program, call (407) 896-9220.