Review Details and submit your application

The scholarship is designed to assist high school seniors in grade 12 who are motivated and have post-secondary education plans for the Fall of 2025. For scholarship eligibility, students must complete the application below and meet the following requirements (attachments are required as described)

  • Participation in school leadership activities and/or extra-curricular programs and strong volunteer/charitable service record.
  • Overall GPA of 2.5 or better (copy of current transcriParticipation in school leadership activities and/or extra-curricular programs and strong volunteer/charitable service record.
  • Two letters of recommendation from your high school counselors or teachers (submitted on high school letterhead), church leader, or mentor.
  • 500–750 word typed essay (PDF or Word document format) answering the following question:
    • As you embark on your college journey, you will start to discover what type of person and adult you want to become. Your personality and the way you perceive yourself, says quite a bit of how you would like to attack this next chapter of your life. Think about your wishes, your aspirations and desires, your priorities, and your goals. Write and develop an essay to explain in detail “Where you see yourself in 10 years”. Think about career aspirations, volunteer interest and positive impact that you can make or develop in your local community.

In addition to the above requirements, all students must complete a photo release waiver with their applications. Please download and obtain the appropriate signatures before uploading it with your application documents. 

Scholarships will be awarded on the basis of academic performance, essay content, volunteerism efforts, participation in school leadership activities, and/or extracurricular programs. All essays will be reviewed by the North Brevard Prayer Breakfast Scholarship Committee.

Please ensure that all required documents are included with your submission, as incomplete applications cannot be saved. Only fully completed scholarship applications with all necessary attachments will be considered.

Important Dates

Application Deadline: Friday, January 31, 2025, at 10:00 PM

Award Notification: Week of February 10, 2025

Award Presentation (attendance required): Friday, April 18, 2025

Scholarship funds will be disbursed no later than October 2025, upon receipt of verification that students are enrolled in their chosen accredited post-secondary education program.