You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Please pray for my wife’s recovery from Lyme disease, and for our marriage to continue to renew, as we learn to surrender our lives to God’s will, and to fully trust HIM!
Received: July 4, 2024
Bless Anonymous
Please pray God heal and restore my body, soul, preferences and desires, restore all the enemy has stolen, remember my past sin no more, and greatly bless my femininity. Pray God reconcile me to himself and take this sickness I'm suffering from from me completely. Pray for victory.
Received: July 1, 2024
Prayers for my nephew as he transitions into adulthood. He recently graduated high school and is going to the firefighter academy.
Received: June 10, 2024
Lord use me in a way that I can help others. Open my heart and mind to be receptive of your words Lord. I want more of you Lord and less of me. Father let me be a reflection of our beautiful Savior. Let me be reminded of his sacrifice when I fall short and I loose focus. Oh Lord I thank you for EVERYTHING. I want more of you God . Light a fire in my soul that I can’t contain that I can’t control. I want more of you God