You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Hope you are having a good week. I am dealing with a personal issue. Please pray for favor and protection for me during this challenge. Thank you so much.
Received: March 6, 2023
Hope you are having a good week. I am dealing with a personal issue. Please pray for favor and protection for me during this challenge. Thank you so much.
Received: March 6, 2023
This prayer has been answered!
My grand children. The Financial doors open with my businesses to take care of them with my son so they may live a God loving, healthy and full life. Thank you Father God in advance for the extra home etc. In Jesus name. I see it now. I believe your word.
Received: September 7, 2022
Please pray my grandma recovers fully from covid. She has been in the icu and pray she has continued good health. Pray God reconciles my friendship with my friend Eric. Pray I meet a good husband to marry and have a healthy normal baby. Thank you
Received: July 24, 2022
Please pray for my brother who has battled many health challenges throughout his life (non-hodgkins lymphoma, stem cell replacement, liver transplant) He has been and is still dealing with life threatening breathing issues in the hospital. He is afraid and full of anxiety. He has asked for prayers. Please pray for his well being of spirit and give him a deep sense of peace during this suffering.