You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
Please pray for The LORD to heal my backsliding and body. Please pray for my deliverance from my enemies and from any bondages and strongholds of the enemy that are on me. Please pray that The LORD helps me through the trials I am going through and that He protects me from my enemies. Please pray that The LORD provides for all of my spiritual, material, and financial needs.
Received: November 13, 2024
brother mark
Please pray for my daughter Valeria for physical, mental, and spiritual protection. That God may place godly people in her path at school, at home, at the grocery store, and while she is commuting. May God grant her wisdom to understand all subject materials at school. Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ. I am praying for all of you that have also prayed for us.
Received: November 13, 2024
Please pray that God opens my spiritual eyes so I can see what I'm missing. I feel like a blind person, unable to truly see what's happening within and around me, and I feel very stuck in my own mind. Thank you so much for your prayer.
Received: November 12, 2024
That I realize my full potential both personally and professionally, that I stop putting anyone but myself on a pedastal, and that the person I am with is the one indicated for me.
Received: November 12, 2024
Please pray my fertility treatment is successful and my pregnancy test is positive when I go to the doctor Friday Thank you