You may add your prayer request to our prayer wall using the form below. Once your prayer request is received, we will share it according to your instructions. Feel free to submit as many prayer requests as you like!
brother mark
Please pray for me so that God can eradicate all clogged heart valves/arteries. So that no open heart surgery is needed. Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ!
Received: December 5, 2024
brother mark
Please pray for my daughter Valeria so that God can protect her mentally, physically, and spiritually. That God may place righteous people in her path at school, home, grocery store, volleyball events, and elsewhere. Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ. I am also praying for all of you, that God may bless your finances, health, and family.
Received: December 2, 2024
I'm taking a long time to fall asleep and having a lot of difficulty and fatigue getting up in the morning. Please pray that I sleep well at night and wake up and get up early. I appreciate you prayer.
Received: December 2, 2024
Gregory Gilliam
So I’ve been coming to Dr. Phillips YMCA for almost close to a year now and doing this year’s been one of the hottest struggles of my life with nowhere to go and no family to rely on because I am here by myself. I made a couple of bad choices in my life as far as well as business decisions to leave myself financially I’m currently homeless in this place has been my home. I have been living in my car for about the last eight months, and when I come here, this place is a smile of my face and warms my heart even though I really don’t socialize with anyone, I come here to think and also take hot showers to get ready for my next day of work to try to better myself And hopefully reach my goal I just would like some prayer. Sometimes my mind starts to wonder and I feel that I’m hopeless and sometimes even think about giving up on everything. I’m sure there’s some people that recognize me just come here to shower work out and leave but they still greet me with a smile And tell me to have a great day sometimes it’s just a little things keep me motivated. My name is Gregory I drive a small black Chevy Malibu and I come there with my Costco uniform. Thank you for praying for me. God bless.
Received: November 19, 2024
brother mark
Please pray for my daughter Valeria. She has been going through a lot of spiritual warfare. Please pray for physical, mental, and spiritual protection. That God may bring her to me and have full custody, so that we can serve the Lord together. For wisdom so that she can grasp all subject materials in school. Thank you brothers and sisters in Christ. I am also praying for all of you, your finances, protection, and time.